Fascinated with Fairies
by Katie Logan, Teacher/ Co-researcher at Dimensions Educational Research Foundation
The preschool children in my group are fascinated with fairies. As a result, we read Fairy Houses…Everywhere written by Barry Kane, Tracy Kane and gathered materials from nature to try our hand at making our own fairy houses.
At the base of one of our favorite tree, affectionately called, “Russell Red Oak,” we found some great nooks and crannies and decided we should build a few on-site fairy homes.
We wondered what would attract the fancy of fairies. We found sticks to build each house, and colorful leaves to make beds and blankets. Small rocks were used for landing places, and the empty shells of large acorn nuts were filled with blue seed berries from the evergreen trees to serve as food for the fairies.
The children drew pictures of these dwellings and visited their homes each day to see if the fairies made a visit. Parents sometimes went with us to visit the site. In addition to fairy flight and fairy houses we created fairy boats! We continue to work on a design that will float (instead of sinking). We are making memories with all of our adventures!