Community Building Resource List

This July at the annual Nature Explore/Outdoor Classroom Project Leadership Institute, a dynamic group of early childhood and nature enthusiast gathered in Nebraska City to share expertise and solidify our intentions to more fully connect ourselves and our children to the natural world.

One third of the participants were Certified Nature Explore Classrooms from across the nation, and it occurred to me that many of them have been successful because they have found innovative ways to connect with others in their local community and beyond.

In small groups, we shared strategies and compiled a list of resources to use as a guide as we build community around and within our Nature Explore Classrooms. Please use this list as a starting point and add other resources in the comment section below.


Alliance for Childhood

Alliance for Community Trees

Children and Nature Network

Keep America Beautiful

Master Gardeners

Meet Your Local Forester

Monarch Joint Venture

Natural Start Alliance

“Nature Explore and You” PowerPoint

Nature Explore Families’ Club Kit

Nature Explore Community Blog

Project Learning Tree

State and local conservation districts

State Cooperative Extension Service

Tree City USA

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Connect

World Forum Fondation Environmental Action Kit


Other resources to keep in mind:


Build community today and plan for next summer. Save the date for next year’s Institute July 22-25, 2018.